

Flyingbynumber’s Resident Airline Captain — Josh
Airline pilots performing a manual landing

Do pilots still land planes manually?

This is one of the most common questions any commercial airline pilot receives from both passengers and friends — do you manually land the aircraft? The answer is a resounding yes. Pilots typically always manually land an aircraft when possible.…

A look at if commercial airline pilots get paid vacations to

Do airline pilots get vacation?

Rightly or wrongly, when most people think of an airline pilot’s life, they think it is one permanent vacation! The rise of instagram pilots — who seemingly sit on a beach 24/7 — showcase a working environment that’s one big…

Do commercial airline pilots get bored at work?

Is being an airline pilot boring?

The job of an airline pilot gets mixed reviews! On the one hand, there are plenty of movies, TV series and articles written about heroic aviators wrestling the controls and saving the day. Equally, there are plenty of articles bemoaning…

Two planes crossing in the sky — but how do planes avoid each other

Why don’t planes crash into each other?

When you’re flying as a passenger on a commercial airliner, it’s hard to imagine the level of coordination and planning that goes into ensuring your flight is safe. As this coordination is largely behind the scenes, airline pilots and flight…